What to Expect

Here’s what you can expect.

You will undress and sit in a temperature-controlled room so your body can cool from any external conditions.  You will fill out some paperwork detailing your medical history and any current symptoms or concerns.

You will then be positioned in front of a Digital Infrared Thermal Camera while a skilled technician takes pictures for 5 to 15 minutes.

Meditherm Iris Camera 2Meditherm Camera System 2

Next, we send your scans to EMI (Electronic Medical Interpretations, Inc.) for interpretation by one of their Board Certified Medical Doctors.

Then you will receive a full medical report of findings along with your images.  Our Certified Clinical Thermographer will discuss your report results with you and provide recommendations about how to proceed.

For breast exams, you will be asked to come back in 3 months for a follow-up scan to confirm your normal baseline and to make sure that there are no immediate changes.

Finally, annual Thermal Scans will be recommended to watch for changes and to monitor your health.

Thermal Body Scan

Phone: (831) 420-7390

Email: debby@thermalsc.com

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